Paul & Nathan discuss how to host a great Vision Sunday
Why host a vision Sunday?
A Vision Sunday is an opportunity to clarify your vision - Habakkuk 2;2 “Write the vision make it plain.”
State it simply
Cast it convincingly
Repeat it regularly
Celebrate it systematically
Embrace it personally
Vision Leaks “A mental picture of what could be, fuelled by the conviction that it should be.” Andy Stanley
It’s an opportunity to re-emphasise your mission -
mission = what you do to see your vision fulfilled
Clarify the win... we win when
Further establish Culture
No vision leads to division or die vision - “Without a vision the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18
A vision gives people something to run with - “Write the vision; make it he who reads it may run with it.” Habakkuk 2:2 purpose... “we are creators of meaning”
Vision stirs faith and encourages a progress mindset
“Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith.” Philippians 1:25 ...
Vision is not more of the same it’s seeing the unseen (Heb 11:1)
VISION INCREASES UNITY - people come together behind a vision
Vision accelerates devotion - “Without a vision people are unrestrained.” Proverbs 28:18
Vision involves a lot of people - Collaboration is the key
Vision doesn’t change
It can feel false when you sense a lack of momentum
To do it well takes planning, preparation and effort
Pick a date and start planning
Focus on what is in the Senior Pastors heart
Strategically build momentum
Give thanks for what God has done
Include something the Church doesn’t know
Turn your Vision Sunday message into other content like a series of small group studies