To get teenagers to begin and continue in prayer behind closed doors.
Pro Tip:
During this session help your youth think about the power of prayer. That prayer is not just coming to God with all our requests, though we bring our requests to him, but that it’s communication with God. We want to lead young people to build a prayer habit in their lives.
Big Idea:
What happens behind closed doors in the daily is who we become permanently. Are we just talking about praying or are we actually doing it? There’s a persistence to prayer and our prayers will lead to action.
Key Statements:
If you just pray when you have a problem, you have a problem. Jesus gave us a pattern to pray, not shame that we are not praying. Pray like it depends on God, act like it depends on you.
Talk it Out:
What’s your favourite thing to do when it’s just you?
How would you describe your prayer life? (Leader Tip: Maybe describe your prayer life. Identifying areas where you have struggled, to show young people there's no shame here)
Read Luke 18:1-8. Why do you think Jesus used this story to teach us about prayer?
What is something your believing for that you need to pray about?
What action will you take?
Pray over young people, Pray for firends to find Jesus